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Ireland Cases

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Ó Fallúin -v- Governor of Cloverhill Prison [2007] IESC 20 (03 May 2007)      -----      [2022] IEHC 551
A (To view the items beginning with A: first select a range here)
A & Anor      -----      A. -v- Refugee Appeals Tribunal & Anor [2010] IEHC 344
A. -v- Refugee Appeals Tribunal & Anor [2010] IEHC 435      -----      A.C. v The
A.C. -v- Cork      -----      A.F v S.F
Afolabi & Ors      -----      A.J & Ors
A.J. -v- L.J.      -----      Allied Irish Banks plc
Allied Irish Banks PLC      -----      An Insurer and
A.N. v K.N.      -----      Aramark -with- Campbell
Aranbel Ltd -v-      -----      Aughey Enterprises Ltd
Aurora Acquisitions (Carlyle)      -----      Aztec/Duke Street Oasis
B (To view the items beginning with B: first select a range here)
B & Anor      -----      Ballymun Developments Ltd/Tenants
Ballyowen Castle Homes      -----      Barlo Group/Kingspan Group
Barlow & ors      -----      Bell Lines &
Bell Lines Ltd      -----      Blehein -v- The
Blehin -v- Minister      -----      Braddish v. D.P.P. [2000]
Braddish v. D.P.P. [2001]      -----      Brooks Haughton/Agents [1995]
Brooks Thomas Ltd.      -----      Burke v The Minister for Education [2022] IESC 1 (24 January 2022)
Burke v The Minister for Education [2022] IESC 1 (24 January 2022)      -----      Byrne -v- O'Connor,
Byrne -v- Rahman      -----      Byrnes -v- Cublin
C (To view the items beginning with C: first select a range here)
C & anor      -----      Caldwell & Ors
Caldwell v. Labour      -----      Carrick v. Morton
Carrickdale Hotel Ltd.      -----      Cassidy -v- Waterford
Castle Brand Ltd.,      -----      Child & Family Agency &
Child & Family Agency -v-      -----      Clondalkin Group -with-
Clondalkin Properties Ltd/Thomas      -----      Commissioner of Public
Commissioner of Valuation      -----      Connors v Kinsella & ors
Connors v Kinsella & Ors      -----      Corway v. Independent Newspapers (Ireland) Limited
Corway v. Independent Newspapers (Ireland) Ltd.      -----      Criminal Assets Bureau v. McDonnell
Criminal Assets Bureau v. McS.      -----      Cunningham v. Governor
Cunningham v Irish      -----      Cybury Ltd/Tenants of
D (To view the items beginning with D: first select a range here)
D. & Anor      -----      Daly & Ors
Daly v. A.G.      -----      de Burca v.
De Cataldo -v-      -----      Devils Glen Equestrian
Devitt -v- Lawlor      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions v Aylmer
Director of Public Prosecutions v A.Z.      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions v Delaney [2020]
Director of Public Prosecutions v Delaney (Approved)      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions v Hayes
Director of Public Prosecutions v Healy      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions v McDermott
Director of Public Prosecutions v McDonagh      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions v P. K
Director of Public Prosecutions v P. K.      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions -v- Adams
Director of Public Prosecutions -v- Ahearne      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions -v- Cunningham [2013]
Director of Public Prosecutions -v- Cunningham [2014]      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions -v- Healy
Director of Public Prosecutions -v- Heaphy      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions -v- McAuley
Director of Public Prosecutions -v- McAuliffe      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions -v- Ouachek
Director of Public Prosecutions -v- Paget      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions -v- Warren [2016]
Director of Public Prosecutions -v- Warren Bowen      -----      Dome Telecom -v-
Domican v Axa      -----      Dowling v Irish
Dowling v. Minister      -----      D.P.P. v. Joyce [2003]
D.P.P. v. Joyce [2004]      -----      D.P.P. -v- Darren
DPP -v- David      -----      D.P.P.-v- D [2004] IECCA 8(2)
D.P.P.-v- D [2004] IECCA 8_2      -----      Dr Y and
Dr Z and      -----      Dun Laoghaire Rathdown
Dun Laoighre Rathdown      -----      Dynochem Ireland Limited/Irish
E (To view the items beginning with E: first select a range here)
E. & Anor      -----      Egan -v- Fenlon
Egan -v- Governor      -----      Ennis Property Finance dac &
Ennis Property Finance dac v      -----      Express Motor Assessors
Express Motors Assessors      -----      Ezieke -v- MJELR
F (To view the items beginning with F: first select a range here)
F. & Anor      -----      Farrelly v. Commissioner
Farrelly v. Devally      -----      Firmount Ltd/Asha Clothing
Firmount Ltd/Peter Mark      -----      Flynn (A Debtor)
Flynn and O'Flaherty      -----      Freeman -v- The
Freeney v Health      -----      F.Z. (Pakistan) v
G (To view the items beginning with G: first select a range here)
G & Anor      -----      Gaspari v. Iarnrod
Gaswise Ltd -v-      -----      Gill v Department
Gill v. Egan      -----      Gordon v The Director
Gordon v The Irish      -----      Greer Publications [2016]
Greffrath & ORS      -----      Gwyn-Jones v McDonald
H (To view the items beginning with H: first select a range here)
H & Anor      -----      Hanley -v- Bank
Hanly v. Newsgroup      -----      Health Products Regulatory
Health Service Executive      -----      Henry Forde &
Herbst v McGuckian      -----      Holidair, Re [1994]
Holland Brooklands Ltd/Abbey      -----      Hussey v. Twomey
Hussey -v- Twomey      -----      Hyper Trust trading
I (To view the items beginning with I: first select a range here)
I & Anor      -----      In the Matter
In The Matter      -----      Industrial Services Company (Dublin) Ltd. (In
Industrial Services Company (Dublin) Ltd. (in      -----      Irish Nationwide Building Society v.
Irish Nationwide Building Society v      -----      Izundu -v- Judge
J (To view the items beginning with J: first select a range here)
J. & Anor      -----      Jeffers v. Louth County Council [2001]
Jeffers v. Louth County Council [2003]      -----      Joyce V Minister
Joyce -v- The      -----      JW -v- MR
K (To view the items beginning with K: first select a range here)
K. & Anor      -----      Kavanagh v. Caulfield
Kavanagh v. Cooke      -----      Kelleher & Anor v
Kelleher & Anor -v-      -----      Kennedy v. Allied
Kennedy (application for      -----      K.I -v- Minister
Kielthy v Coombe      -----      K.M. -v- DPP
KMA ( Algeria)      -----      Kynes Moycullen Ltd
L (To view the items beginning with L: first select a range here)
L. & Anor      -----      Lavery v Circuit
Lavery v Humphreys      -----      Lennon & Anor
Lennon & Harvey      -----      LON -v- District
London and Global      -----      Lyttle -v- Joe
M (To view the items beginning with M: first select a range here)
M _ 04/030      -----      M/16/053 - Anchorage
M/16/054 Exertis(DCC)/T.O.S. [2016]      -----      M/19/024 Redbird (Blackstone)
M/19/025 - EP      -----      Maguire v. Smithwick
Maguire v. South      -----      Marlan Homes Ltd
Marley v Director      -----      Mc Donagh -v- D.
Mc Donagh -v- Governor      -----      McCarthy III -v-
McCarthy v ISS      -----      McDonald v Conroy & Ors (Unapproved) [2020] IECA 239
McDonald v Conroy & Ors (Unapproved) [2020] IECA 336      -----      McGuiness v The
McGuiness -v- The      -----      McNally v. O'Toole [2000]
McNally v. O'Toole [2002]      -----      Mercer -with- Oliver
Merchant's Quay Developments      -----      Minister for Equality
Minister for Finance      -----      Minister for Justice and Equality v M.B
Minister for Justice and Equality v McArdle      -----      Minister for Justice v Bebenek
Minister for Justice v Csiki      -----      Missford Ltd t/a
Missford Ltd trading      -----      M.K.M (Bangladesh) v
MK-v- The Minister      -----      Moore -v- Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht [2018] IECA 27
Moore -v- Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht [2018] IECA 28      -----      Mr & Mrs X and the Department of Employment
Mr & Mrs X and the Department of Justice,      -----      Mr C and
Mr C -v-      -----      Mr Ken Foxe,
Mr Ken Foxe      -----      Mr. P and
Mr P and      -----      Mr X & the Health Service Executive (Mr
Mr X & the Health Service Executive West      -----      Mr X and Department of Defence (Department of Defence) [2022]
Mr X and Department of Defence (Department of Defence) [2023]      -----      Mr. X and Galway City
Mr. X and Galway County      -----      Mr X and Munster
Mr X and Naas      -----      Mr X and the Department of Defence (FOI 1997-2003
Mr X and the Department of Defence (FOI Act      -----      Mr X and the Health Service Executive (FOI Act 2014) [2015]
Mr X and the Health Service Executive (FOI Act 2014) [2016]      -----      Mr. X and
Mr X and      -----      Mr Y and Fingal County Council [2021]
Mr Y and Fingal County Council (Fingal      -----      Mr. Z and
Mr Z and      -----      Ms. M and
Ms M and      -----      Ms X and Carlow
Ms X and Central      -----      Ms X and HSE (FOI
Ms X and HSE West      -----      Ms X and
Ms. X and      -----      Ms Y and The Health Service Executive [2013]
Ms Y and The Health Service Executive [2015]      -----      Murgitroyd & Co.
Murgitroyd and Co.      -----      Murray (t/a Tom
Murray v The      -----      M.Z.(Pakistan) v The
N (To view the items beginning with N: first select a range here)
N. & anor.      -----      National Transport Authority
National Truck Rental      -----      Noble v Barr
Noble v Bonner      -----      Nwole & Ors
NWR FM t/a      -----      Nz.N. -v- Minister
O (To view the items beginning with O: first select a range here)
O & Anor      -----      Obende v The
O'Beolain v. Fahy      -----      O'Conaill v. Waterford
O'Connell & Anor      -----      O'Donnell v Morrissey
O'Donnell v. O'Connell      -----      OJU (a minor)
O'K. v. A.      -----      O'Neill v Davey
O'Neill v Dublin      -----      O'Shaughnessy -v- Private
O'Shea & anor      -----      Ozoruchi -v- Crean
P (To view the items beginning with P: first select a range here)
P. & Anor      -----      PDC (Moate) Ltd
P.D.O. -v- Minister      -----      P.F v International
P.F. v Minister      -----      Power v Health
Power v Kavanagh      -----      Protect East Meath Ltd v An
Protect East Meath Ltd v Meath      -----      PZ v The
Q (To view the items beginning with Q: first select a range here)
Q: Forced to      -----      Q.W -v- Minister
R (To view the items beginning with R: first select a range here)
R. & Anor      -----      Re: Customs House
Re Depfa Bank      -----      Revenue Commissioners v
Revenue Commissioners -v-      -----      R.K.A. -v- P.T.P.
R.L. -v- Her      -----      R.R. Donnelley &
R.R. (No.2) -v-      -----      Ryanair Ltd -v- Commission for Aviation Regulation [2008] IEHC 148
Ryanair Ltd -v- Commission for Aviation Regulation [2008] IEHC 278      -----      Rynn -v- D.
S (To view the items beginning with S: first select a range here)
S & anor      -----      Salthill Properties Ltd & Anor -v- Royal Bank of Scotland & Ors [2009]
Salthill Properties Ltd & Anor -v- Royal Bank of Scotland & Ors [2010]      -----      Seredych & ors
Seredych v Minister      -----      Sherry -v- Judge
Sherry -v- Primark      -----      Smart Mobile Ltd
Smart Telecom/ E-nvi      -----      Spielberg v. Rowley
Spila & Ors      -----      Start Mortgages -v-
Start Mortgages v      -----      Superwood Holdings plc
Superwood Holdings PLC      -----      Szczypior v Daly
T (To view the items beginning with T: first select a range here)
T. & Anor      -----      Templeville Developments Ltd.
Teniola -v- Brady      -----      The Director of Public Prosecutions -v- Christie
The Director of Public Prosecutions -v- Davy      -----      The Minister for Justice & Equality -v- AB
The Minister for Justice & Equality -v- BH      -----      The Revenue Commissioners -v- Lacey
The Revenue Commissioners -v- Taite      -----      Tom Kelleher v
Tom McEvaddy Property      -----      Tucker v Havbell
Tucon Process Installations      -----      Tysan / Balcuik
U (To view the items beginning with U: first select a range here)
U. & Anor      -----      UPM Kymmene Corporation
Ural Hudson Ltd.,      -----      Uyettewaal v. The
V (To view the items beginning with V: first select a range here)
V. & Anor      -----      VS v Minister
W (To view the items beginning with W: first select a range here)
W & Anor      -----      Wang (A minor}
Wang (A Minor)-v-      -----      Whelan -v- Castle
Whelan -v- District      -----      Wordperfect Translation Services
Worldport Ireland Limited      -----      W.Y.Y.P. v P.C.
X (To view the items beginning with X: first select a range here)
X & anor      -----      X.Z. (China) v
Y (To view the items beginning with Y: first select a range here)
Y & Anor      -----      YZ v Clinical
Z (To view the items beginning with Z: first select a range here)
Z College and      -----      Z.Z. & Ors -v- Minister for Justice Equality & Law Reform & Anor [2007] IEHC 236 (26 June 2007)

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