BAILII beta page design
See the beta version of a new BAILII home page.
The 2024 Sir Henry Brooke lecture on 'The State of the World' will be given by Baroness Helena Kennedy of The Shaws LT KC FRSE FRSA. The hybrid event will be held on Thursday, 21 November 2024 (17:30-20:30 in-person/17:30-19:30 online).
BAILII is committed to providing free access to the law for all. We rely on donations to fund the very modest costs of maintaining and extending our free-to-access databases of legal information. If you value access to justice and/or you use BAILII, please donate today: https://www.bailii.org/bailii/appeal.html Thank you very much for your support!
Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC) Judgments on BAILII
BAILII now includes judgments from the Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC). The new database enhances BAILII's existing collection of international commercial judgments from Abu Dhabi Global Market Courts, the Cayman Islands, and Qatar.
Quick Guide to BAILII
The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies compiled a Quick Guide to BAILII.
Most-downloaded judgments
To help users stay up-to-date, BAILII now has a summary listing of the judgments viewed most often in the last week.
Did you know?
Unwanted legal text-books, including old editions, can be donated to legal professional bodies, advice centres, pro bono groups, law schools, institutions and individuals involved in access to justice in common law jurisdictions of Africa, Asia and the Caribbean. See the International Law Book Facility website for details of how to donate books and how to apply to receive books.
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